back, bodacious, & blessed to build
A belated #MerryChristmas & #HappyNewYear, everyone. I’m indeed still here, & I got a big announcement!
As this very… ‘testing’ year where I almost d!€d several times – by the hands of external evil & my own hand multiple times alike – comes to a close, it’s time to talk alllllll the turkey about the importance of resisting cultural rot (of the ‘alt-left’/communist variety & more) & general evil/negativity these days, y’all.
It is nothing but a miracle that despite all the forces, all the putzes, tryna destroy me… several flukes and dukes ensured I’m still, somehow, here. & ~since~ I’m still here, my life’s work goes on & now is ready for prime time, at last.
Both because I am indeed a “different”, “special” human with overall human flaws, & because I reject the absurdity that is today’s world in favor of a “cafeteria approach” where I “harvest” the best parts of existing subcultures and put that together into a “Goldilocks culture”, I simply do not “fit in” anywhere. In a world of a sort that Ray Bradbury warned us about, I live a life where most humans simply don’t see me as… well, ‘human’ at all.
This is despite the fact that being “different” is *not* a bad thing. Just because I’m so “unique” doesn’t mean I’m worth any less, despite the treatment from those who think that’s true. I have so much to offer nonetheless, unique talents – & indeed, people like me can fill voids that may not have been apparent to neurotypicality in the first place.
I refuse to be a doormat for negativity, as we all should. I don’t deserve to be cast out & constantly under siege for just tryna thrive. I was smeared & (literally) strangled for daring to want to belong at Fire Station Park (wrote a whole article about that one, linked towards the end). I’ve also been “s-word” assaulted for similar. I have had whole-@ “schemes” against me for… just seeking basic human bonding, connections.
This & much more has taught me that in a world that Ray Bradbury tried to warn us about – one of so much cultural rot, wanton violence, despair, emptiness, shallowness, bigotry, & dystopia in general – it’s our calling to illuminate the gloom – & there’s plenty of room for a potpourri of different political/general “views” within this Positivity. I’m not ignoring this calling – not that I even *can*, given said dystopia is behind my ostracism & how this is also my only path to genuine “life”.
After all, we are humans – social animals – & need bonds & belonging to have anything at all in life. Despite what some say, we can’t do it alone thru non-existent magic, & there’s a laundry list of reasons Mother Teresa said that loneliness is the most terrible poverty – if you’re lonely, if you’re alone, you can’t get nowhere. & note that I ain’t talking about being “given” pity here; that’s even worse than just being ignored. I ain’t looking for anyone’s “handouts”; the condescending mess & paths to inevitable conflict when the genuine humanity they inappropriately substitute for comes due. This is about the dignity of being allowed to contribute to the chip pile, & have those contributions appreciated.
& this ain’t just about me, this is about all us untouchables, & also everyone – all sapience in general – as we’re all in crisis. This is about Positive values we’ve let slip away; about pushing the darkness back.
The Grove Project is meant as a place where people on that Positive purpose can truly thrive. A hub of cultural & information exchange where we can all chip in together and make something great so we can all shine against the negativity that should outrage all of us.
The goal is to be somewhere that us outcasts can come together & find that squad, that fam, we need to truly thrive in life – alongside anyone who’s got them bonds but simply wants to resist the despair that envelops us all no matter our levels of material/social prosperity, a push to embrace the “purpose prosperity” that’s got us all down these days.
This has existed among I & several others for a good while, but it’s now time to kick it into high gear. This is this untouchable’s last chance; my “Hail Mary” in life. I’m 31; it’s time that I finally got outta this dang rut. I work way too hard to still be stuck here due to so much coldness & being devalued & ignored in life. I’ve only got time for the true folks out there, the ones who will let me shine & ride for real, not to mention being there when things get tough. For those of y’all that fit that description…
- Not yet familiar with me, or need a refresher? My story can be found here:
- The best place to get started is by listening to the full introduction & turkey talk featured on Episode 2 (“In the Groove) of “my” (read: our) radio show/podcast, Three Lives to Live.Indeed: the Grove Project is (back) “on the air” with our radio show/podcast, Three Lives to Live which features prime selections from the field of chiptune & video game music, old-school “right on that dial” talk from the true trenches, & some good old “’round the gazebo” hanging out – alongside our live streaming show Grove Nation Live where it’s all about hanging out, gaming, & more music & “right” talk!Spotify:
- Player FM:
Amazon Music/Audible: Three Lives to Live Podcast on Amazon MusicAlong with subscribing/following, don’t forget to rate us them 5 stars whereever applicable. 🙂 - We already have a great start on our “community hangouts”, mainly via Discord. There’s also our Telegram group/channel, Facebook group/group chat, RetroShare & Utopia forums, & Steam group/group chat. Join up, for not only the heart of the community-building, but also for the most thorough & immediate breaking news, views, & weather.Discord invite:
Facebook Page:
Facebook Page (weather coverage):
Facebook Group:
Steam: - The official website for this Project is (get it?)This is where connections can be made to basically the entire network. It’s where “news & views” articles, weather updates (especially in-depth analyses), so many informational resources for daily life, show notes, & such get posted. Think of it as a “portal”, to use an old-school internet term. It’s one to bookmark & add to the home screen for sure.
- Articles also go up on our Substack.
- This is also where I’ll be starting a semi-daily “bulletin” soon, summing up relevant Grove-related things, important news, & weather blurbs for the edification of all.The website is of course also another important hub.
- I’m indeed getting back in the saddle on stalking them storms, with updates on the Grove website & across social media & the whole network.
- Let me put my skills & expertise to work for y’all, whether in the field of meteorology, horticulture, civics, faith, the humanities, urban planning, or technology. Consider “rolling billboard” advertising for all the eyeballs that see me as I’m couriering & exploring.
- One of the great things about a cosmopolitan Oasis is that there’s so much potential for different niches to exist under the umbrella, & potential for partnerships: game servers, churches, businesses, & much more. If that sounds like your kinda field, let’s chat for sure.
- The article about the Fire Station Park incident, relevant to the bullying & ostracism I’ve faced in one particular ‘scene’, is here:
- The streaming & video outlets are~
I humbly ask y’all to be a part of this journey with me, or at least be adjacent to it, & spread the word far & wide. It’s been a long journey as I’ve followed the light shed on what’s really up, & it’s time to embrace those old-school, long-lost human values. It’s time to get back to Positivity. Get back to God. Get back to Nature. To truly “rebel” against the status quo, in a world where so many so-called “rebels” are indeed agents of “the system” who still mindlessly scroll & ‘consoom’, as the meme goes… & where so many are bamboozled into hating anyone who “breaks the norm” & stands against dystopia.
It’s not only time for me personally to get to live (despite all the pieces of work who see me as “less than” & try so hard to keep me from life) & shine & get put to work, but so many others just like me… & for everyone who wants to truly illuminate that gloom to be a part of doing so. Let’s nurture a nook where we can all bring culture, skills , and warmth… where as we build bonds, we battle hate. Where we all feel valued & roll as royalty. Indeed… let’s ride, y’all.
& for those of y’all able to provide material support for building & sustaining this Project, & the personal stability required – first of all, thank y’all.; it’ll be worth all our while. Head on over to Ko-Fi directly to see our Page & campaign, or to the “Support the Grove” widget on to do the thing!
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