The NexHep Civilization Life Action Portal (C.L.A.P.)
~ NOTE: Page is still massively under construction. Expect a LOT of new content, as well as tweaks to existing content. ~
Nexus Heptrill is proud to be the home of what we like to call “The C.L.A.P.".
Get y'all's minds outta the gutter – we talkin' about the Civilization Life Action Portal: a hub for folks to stay informed from a diverse array of sources of news, weather, & other information that is truly edifying for the productive, responsible, cosmopolitan citizen.
We ain't perfect, but we've vetted these sources for adherence to Positive values that form the bedrock of prosocial life. They range across the political spectrum (except for negative fringes such as the alt-left/alt-right, of course) & all sorts of backgrounds.
This is gonna be the place for “general news" sources only. For weather/geology/other natural-phenomenon news/info, there's NexHep StormStalkers. For “subculture" news relating to hobbies & interests such as gaming, there's NexHep Lifestyles.
This is everything from major old-school “legacy" news networks that pre-date the internet, to this day & age's local “citizen reporters" that are the backbone of news that's hard to come by from “dinosaur" sources you won't see listed here, like CNN (“Chicken Noodle Noise").
The Stormy Grove is a syncretic organization, meaning – like civilization itself – we encompass both left- & right-wing ideas (while being vehemently opposed to the far-left [alt-left] as well as the far-right [alt-right]), as well as ideas that don't quite fit on either “side". Call it “cafeteria politics" if you will – a li'l bit of this, a helping of that, some what's over there, and a bit of what's in front…
What this means is that we feature a variety of sources. For awareness, we mark sources based on political affiliation:
- [LW]: left-wing
- [RW]: right-wing
- [CSE]: centrist/syncretic/eclectic
Each section is made to be self-explanatory. Stay real; we've got a civilization to save & maintain!
Traditional & Traditional-Style News Networks
This section contains news networks that may would also be called “mainstream". Believe it or not, not all of the “mainstream media" is full of it – there's some that are actually on the real (at least, most of the time). This section covers them, organized by country, region, & locale. This includes TV, radio, & newspapers – both state-owned, private, & in-between.
- Israel
- United States
Independent & New-Style News/Civic/Info Networks & Organizations
Featured: Destiny [LW]
Destiny & his “Daliban" are, these days, nothing short of frontline soldiers standing for civilization values, from the sane left-wing of society. Across disagreements, anyone sane's gotta admit – they speak up for what's up, from rightfully condemning the alt-left insurrectionists of 2020 AND the alt-right insurrectionists of 2021 to holding Twitch accountable in Fall 2024 for becoming a cesspool of antisemitic, anti-civilization, jihadist barbarism.
Official Website | YouTube | Kick | Reddit | IG | Wiki (don't sleep on this, good investigative journalism goes on here) | X | Threads
Daliban Work
- Twitch, you're busted!
- Dan Clancy Sucks
- HamasPiker
- Podcast with Dan
Holding Twitch Accountable
Incident Mappers
This section is for organizations that maintain “incident maps" – at-a-glance ways to see what's going on. These can be local, regional, or global, and they can cover war, weather, & much more.
- EDIS Event Map
- Global Incident Map
- LiveUAMap
- World Crisis Map
- OSINTDefender / Discord
- RawsAlerts / Telegram / Facebook
- OSINT613 / Open Source Intel
- Gaza's Most Wanted – O613's store, featuring playing cards with faces of jihadi terrorists on them
- IntelSchizo
- Geoconfirmed / X / TwistyCB
Warriors for Civilization
Featured: Bari Weiss [CSE]
Featured: Drew Pavlou [LW]
Left-wing anti-communists are truly heroes, and Drew Pavlou is no exception. He, hailing from Australia, rose to prominence as a vocal critic of the Chinese Communist Party which, to this day, are the non-legit rulers of the entire Chinese mainland. Despite a major, and ongoing, harassment campaign from CCP “footsoldiers" & authorities alike (who, quite frankly, have an absurd number of tentacles in Australian government & society), he stands strong to this day, advocating for the West – including being a major voice against jihadism & antisemitism, & talking truth to power about the ongoing Uyghur genocide.
Featured: Brianna Wu [LW]
- #DefendCivilization: individuals/organizations on a general, non-specific defense of civilization. tag only used when no specifics apply.
- #CounterJihad: individuals/organizations that oppose the barbarism that is jihadism
- #AntiAntiSemitism: individuals/organizations that stand against the hatred of Jews
- #ActuallyAntiFascist: individuals/organizations that stand against all fascism, both of the brown (right-wing) and red (left-wing, communist) variety.
- #DegenerateDossier: individuals/organizations specializing in cataloguing evil
- #CrowdCiv: this tag means a crowdsourced effort towards their goal(s)
- #HaltHoodrattery: individuals/organizations that oppose antisocial behavior
#AntiAntiSemitism & #CounterJihad – Global
- AGHamilton29
- American Anti-Slavery Group / Dr Charles Jacobs
- AP from NY
- The Atlantic
- BrianBJ
- Cited Need
- David Collier / Facebook / IG / Threads / YouTube
- Eitan Fischberger
- Jewish News Syndicate / X
- Radio/Podcast: The Caroline Glick Show / X / Facebook / YouTube
- Jewish Breaking News
- JewsFightBack
- Jewish Telegraphic Agency
- Jewish Defense Network
- Hillel Neuer on X
- Hillel Intl.
- Mossad Agent
- Noa Tishby / X
- Stand With Us / Website / Michael Dickson – Exec Director / Mr Dickson’s LinkTree
- TPS Israel / X
- Stock Hock – lots of good anti-jihad reference there
- Yael
- Imam of Peace
- Hunters of Nazis
- Seth Frantzman / X
- Strxwmxn
- Awesome Jew
- Canary Mission / X
- UN Watch on X
- Khalid Hassan / YouTube – MENA House
- Yasmine Mohammed / X / Clarity Coalition / X / Unveiled Book
- VividProwess
- Nioh Berg / X
- JoosyJew
- ‘Enoch Scowl’ / Second Profile
- Israel Now/Never Again Live! / X
- GnasherJew / X
- Noa Magid
- Jacob Linker
- Dr Eli David
- Col. Richard Kemp [RW]
- Andrew Fox
- Preoccupied Territory
- Naturalized Deer
#AntiAntiSemitism & #CounterJihad – National, Regional, Local
- United Kingdom
- United States