Jihadis: Racist Slavers to the Core
The Middle-Eastern Slave Trade: Enslaving Africans Since the 7th Century
Yes, “since". The practice continues even today, y'all. For as much talk about Europeans enslaving us as there is – & don't get me wrong, their practice of it was undeniably evil – why ain't there as much talk about the much more brutal slavery Africans endured, & continue to endure, at the hands of jihadists today? Why ain't there much talk about the much higher numbers of slaves that ended up in jihadist zones – to the tunes of tens of millions more than the Europeans ever enslaved?
Real talk: jihadism is about as “pro-Black" as ham-&-cheese sandwiches are kosher. & even outside of slavery, the amount of anti-Black racism amongst the jihadist crowd is astounding. They do not see us as human, so it's time to stop acting like they're anyone to sympathize with.
Indeed, jihad sees every non-jihadi as someone to be enslaved, or straight-up murdered. They even see some other jihadis as mere “useful idiots" to use to further their goal of complete barbarianization of humanity.
Mauritania, unlike the other Islamic countries that at least passed laws to make a show of having banned slavery, ain't even bothered. Here's what today looks there.
Book: The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa by John Alembillah Azumah
David Livingstone, British missionary, on how the Arabs treated African slaves in an 1870 letter:
“In less than I take to talk about it, these unfortunate creatures — 84 of them, wended their way into the village where we were. Some of them, the eldest, were women from 20 to 22 years of age, and there were youths from 18 to 19, but the large majority was made up of boys and girls from 7 years to 14 or 15 years of age.
A more terrible scene than these men, women and children, I do not think I ever came across. To say that they were emaciated would not give you an idea of what human beings can undergo under certain circumstances.
Each of them had his neck in a large, forked stick, weighing from 30 to 40 pounds, and five or six feet long, cut with a fork at the end of it where the branches of a tree spread out.
The women were tethered with bark thongs, which are, of all things, the most cruel to be tied with.
Of course, they are soft and supple when first striped off the trees, but a few hours in the sun make them about as hard as the iron round packing-cases. The little children were fastened by thongs to their mothers.
As we passed along the path which these slaves had travelled, I was shown a spot in the bushes where a poor woman the day before, unable to keep on the march, and likely to hinder it, was cut down by the axe of one of these slave drivers.
We went on further and were shown a p lace where a child lay. It had been recently born, and its mother was unable to carry it from debility and exhaustion; so, the slave trader had taken this little infant by its feet and dashed its brains out against one of the trees and thrown it in there.”
Where Is the Outrage Over the Jihadist Attacks Against Black Africans? | Opinion – Newsweek
“While much of the West remains focused on conflicts in Ukraine and Israel, a barbaric assault on Africans is taking place, yet this is hardly noticed. There is an active strategy by certain politicians and the mainstream media to cover it up.
A struggle today for Africa launched by Islamic terrorists is something Western elites wish to ignore, even as thousands of innocents are being brutally murdered, raped, burned alive, and taken captive. It is mostly a war waged against black Christians by African Islamists—and therefore an awfully sensitive subject…"