“Israel/Jews are Anti-Black”
Starting in the 1960s, backed by communists, a false myth that the Jews were racist against us Black folks rose. This is nothing more than a naked attempt to drive a wedge between us, and rewrite history to erase the fact the Jews have been riding with us in our struggle from the very beginning, y'all – & I don't mean just in America. They even helped us from the early days of Arabs raiding Black nations for slaves, back before Columbus was even born, much less the founding of America!
Alt-Leftists Claim Israel “Sterilized Ethiopian Women"
This is one of the claims alt-leftists try to throw down as a “gotcha" whenever dealing with one of us who know what's up, & are pro-Israel as a result of knowing what's up. But it's actually bull.
CAMERA Prompts Ha’aretz Correction on Ethiopian Birth Control Story | CAMERA
Let’s Get the Facts Straight About Ethiopian Jews and Contraception – Algemeiner.com
One of Israel's “crowning moments of awesome" is when they airlifted thousands of Ethopian Jews to Israel, to save them. One'd have to really be wacked-out to think that this was motivated by a desire to sterilize them.
Jews on the Underground Railroad
Well before jihadis even started giving lip service to being against slavery, our Jewish neighbors were helping African-Americans escape slavery in the United States.