The Nexus
~ NOTE: Site is still massively under construction. Expect a LOT of new content, as well as tweaks to existing content. ~

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.” ― Carl Gustav Jung
Those are the words I choose to live by. Through the deep, constant struggle of being special-needs, “different" overall, bullied, ostracized, & marginalized – by people who seemingly aren't even fulfilled, themselves – I realized that in a world immersed in dystopia & darkness, it's best to be a light. From the gutter, from the margins of society, we get the best views – and I'm here not just to find the warmth, understanding, & acceptance I need, but to serve Positivity and build an Oasis.
“Action is hope. There is no hope without action.” — Ray Bradbury
How has Humanity got so much, yet so much misery abounds? Why are there dudebros with lives royalty of even just a century ago could only dream of still so down & depressed? How is it that I've got so much to offer, but acceptance, understanding, & warmth is hard to come by? What is missing and where's the puzzle pieces to stick in them holes?
Three words: Fulfillment. Edification. Purpose.
“Happiness is a state of inner fulfillment, not the gratification of inexhaustible desires for outward things.” – Matthieu Ricard
We are not here merely to exist; to simply 'exist' foments – and indeed simply is – madness. Humans are not merely sentient, but we are sapient; we must live lives on a foundation of genuine Purpose. Unfortauntely, we've largely turned our backs on this, in pursuit of empty calories. This, y'all, is why so many people are awash in squad & stuff, yet still feel empty (which is often mistaken for loneliness).
We must – across skin tones, faiths, homelands, hobbies, lifestyles, abilities, occupations, & more (within reason, of course) – operate on a common human creed of Positivity. It's in light of this truth that I founded The Stormy Grove – a brotherhood & banner to live & commerce under as the diverse sapient beings we are… united by basic, Positive Human principles including (but not limited to) love, unity, coordination, edification, mutual uplift, leisure, & class.
The Grove Project is a place for family in the true old-school sense, Positivity, & cultural exchange. Let's grow genteel & ride radiant together.
~ Mesyn, Founder
So fundamentally, what is this whole Stormy Grove Crew/Grove Nation/Tempestwood thing about? Well, it's easy as A-B-C:
- Advocacy – for civil rights (with a focus on dis/ability & the generally marginalized) & all of Western civilization, Eastern civilization, & Positivity.
- Brotherhood – a place for people on that Positive level to form & foment community.
- Commerce – a place and umbrella in/under which to do business in a Positive manner.
~ NHN – Nexus Heptrill Network ~
Broadcasting, media, & information exchange for true “regal rebels" against the darkness. Current events, entertainment, & niches from gaming to gardening & more for the true & real.
The flagship show of The Stormy Grove!
The Stormy Grove Crew – in Glory, Gallantry, & Gentility – proudly presents…
- A showcase of awesome video game (& video-game-adjacent!) music from the '70s thru today!
- Front-porch turkey talk between the brothers & sisters of Tempestwood about a wide variety of topics, from food to horticulture, gaming to space, health to bikes, & much, much more.
- A pro-Human, pro-Nature beacon of resistance against negativity.
Tune in for the best the #PositivityPosse has to offer, y'all!
Player FM
Amazon Music/Podcasts/Audible
It’s streaming… with a twist!
Sure, there’s gaming – and lots of it… but GNL is also about being joined by the Gromies & talking turkey about news/current events, science, tech, the arts, life in general, spirituality, and – last but not least – covering the world’s, and space’s news & weather… while featuring a showcase of a music potpourri, focusing on video-game music + indie soul, R&B, gospel, hip hop, & electronica.
Guaranteed 100% nourishing and BS-free.
~ The Grove Gazette – Our Newsletter ~
If you're down with the Grove, it's all about staying up on the important news within our family. Subscribe for free to get our newsletter delivered to your email inbox on the regular!
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